blank rasa is canto's new nft market.

16 Aug 2023, 19:22
blank rasa is canto’s new nft market. i have been working on this project for the last few months and am excited for it to go live. we are bringing a new mission to canto nfts: PRIMARY MARKET CHAMPION - @blankrasa will partner with artists to launch collections that we ourselves would be excited to collect. Canto needs more high quality nft collections. EXPANDED FORMAT SUPPORT - at launch we added support for 1155s, html nfts, mp3 and mp4. We are also willing to support wholly novel formats that break new ground. ROYALTY PROTECTION - currently royalties are being paid on canto. As canto nft market grows that may come under threat. We have plans to use novel mechanism design ideas to protect royalties when that happens. Chapter 1 of the canto nft story is over, and i think most of us are ready for something new. Hopefully Blank Rasa will be the new leader canto nfts need.